As multicultural worship leaders, we realize it is vital for us to be proactive in stretching and growing and learning about other cultures and worship expressions. In our Facebook group this June we challenged our members towards proactivity! Here is how some of our network members are working towards growing as multicultural worship leaders. You can see the full discussion on the network Facebook page at:
- I had the privilege of starting this last month with Proskuneo, multicultural worship leading training. I am not very confident even though i have lead worship in an Anglo setting numerous times. I was definitely out of my comfort zone but at the same time felt encouraged to step out. I learned that I just need to do more ‘reps.’ As the opportunities arise, I will step into them. I’m excited to journey on this adventure even though I may be older, it’s nice to know God isn’t done with me yet. [Amanda Hernandez Cariveau Miller]
- My husband and I are headed to Cuba with a mission team from our church, so I’m going to contact a Cuban friend of mine for some prior insight into their culture. [Julia Jacko Fitzpatrick]
- My family lived in Singapore for 14 years and I grew up in this church. It’s an international church with many ethnicities and nationalities represented. However, my formation as a worship leader has taken place in a different context (Dutch Reformed theology; black/white racial reconciliation church in the Midwest.) I have been preparing to take a posture of listening and learning upon arrival. So I’m definitely up for this. [Doug Chu]
- I have a couple of plans. 1.) I have thought of learning Ki-swahili and/so have been looking for someone who can speak Swahili (hopefully, Tanzanian) in Korea. I want to learn about his/her culture as well as the language. 2.) I know some Tanzanian praise songs. Those were made by my Tanzanian friends(pastors and worship leaders) last year. I want to learn and sing the songs with a Tanzanian friend and will make a video for my friends. [Deborah Kim]
June FB Topic: Stretching Yourself