We love to do life and ministry together. As a result core team members Nikki Lerner and Josh Davis have teamed up to write the brand-new book, Worship Together In Your Church As In Heaven.
“Multicultural is more than a buzzword. It is God’s desire for the church. Davis and Lerner’s practical approach shows us how to truly reflect God’s multicultural kingdom in worship.”
—Rosario Picardo
Executive Pastor of New Church Development, Ginghamsburg Church, Tipp City, OH
Worship Together in Your Church as in Heaven is a practical and foundational resource for pastors and worship leaders of all kinds. It addresses an urgent need in the church today: as our communities become increasingly diverse, how can we offer worship that is authentic and engaging for all of God’s people, including longtime church members?
The authors offer an empathetic, step-by-step approach, providing readers with knowledge, skills, and strategies to successfully introduce inclusive, multicultural worship in any setting. Davis and Lerner are expert practitioners and pioneers who invite us to break new ground with them, making worship that more closely reflects God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
“Worship Together in Your Church as in Heaven will help you identify the critical questions, take intentional steps, and promote a spirit of inclusion in your church. Your worship will reflect God’s love for all people, not just one kind of people, in an increasingly diverse society.”
– Mark DeYmaz
Lead Pastor, Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas; author of Leading a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church
What people are saying about Worship Together:
James Ward (Good Reads) Read more …
This book gets a lot of credit for being the first one I have read written by hard working colleagues, not professors.
Wesley T. Bryan (Amazon) Read more …
Worship Together is a wonderful, inspiring, practical, well written and much needed resource for pastors and worship leaders today.
Stephanie Biggs (Amazon) Read more …
Colloquial and conversational, reading this book is like sitting down with two experienced and approachable professionals willing to share the depth of knowledge gained from their experiences.
Winston Moore (Amazon)
Foundational for worship leaders and worshippers.